Greenshaw's Folly by Agatha Christie
"I learned that you cannot go backwards, that the essence of life is to go forward. Life, in reality, is a one-way street."
-Agatha Christie
Meaning: a part of a garden where a lot of shrubs have been planted.
The original sentence: “The two men rounded the corner of the shrubbery.”
- In the shrubbery there is a snake.
- The yard is full of shrubbery.
- In town there is a shrubbery shop.
- The shrubbery are very large.
Meaning: to release the buckle of
a shoe, belt, etc. so that you can remove it.
The original sentence: “He unbuckled the strap of his camera and got busy.”
- My seat belt is unbuckled.
- I need you to unbuckle your seat belt.
- I'll give you five seconds to unbuckle your guns.
- I unbuckled the buckle on my wallet to get the money.
Barefoot is an adjective, adverb.
Meaning: not wearing any shoes or socks.
The original sentence: “Barefoot boy who had risen to immense prosperity.”
- I was barefoot in the sand of the sea.
- In my house I'm always barefoot.
- I like to walk barefoot on the beach through the sand.
- When I walk barefoot it is very comfortable.
Shoulders is a noun.
Meaning: one of the two
parts of the body at each side of the neck that join the arms to the rest of
the body.
The original sentence:
“Raymond shrugged his shoulders.”
- My shoulders hurt today.
- My shoulders are bare in this dress.
- I had a shoulders massage.
- My shoulders and knees have to be covered by clothing.
Bankrupt is an adjective.
Meaning: unable to pay what you owe, and
having had control of your financial matters given, by a law court, to a person
who sells your property to pay your debts.
The original sentence: “He either went
bankrupt or the next thing to it.”
- My company is bankrupt.
- Maria is bankrupt.
- He sold his house because his family is bankrupt.
- Then, I guess you know that my family went bankrupt.
Screech is a verb.
Meaning: a person or animal give a loud, harsh, piercing cry.
The original sentence: "His voice rose in a high screech of ’sthetic delight."
- She hit her brother, causing him to screech with pain.
- All mice make a kind of screech.
- Always at the night, the owl screech.
- The puppies screech when it's hungry.
Strap is a noun.
Meaning: a strip of leather, cloth, or other flexible material, used to fasten, secure, or carry something or to hold on to something.
The original sentence: "He unbuckled the strap of his camera and got busy."
- Her bra straps.
- The strap of the car, it's black.
- Use the straps to carry the door.
- Use straps for holding those shoes.
Mantelpiece is a noun.
Meaning: a structure of wood, marble, or stone above and around a fireplace.
The original sentence: "A really incredible marble mantelpiece in the Italian manner.”
- The mantelpiece is huge.
- This mantelpiece is black and white.
- The mantelpiece of that fireplace is old.
- I didn't clean the mantelpiece.
- Remove all traces of the old adhesive.
- We have a lot of traces on the main street.
- The dog left many traces on the floor.
- Make many traces on the sand.
Inherited is an adjective.
Meaning: Of money, property, or a title received as an heir at the death of the previous holder.
The original sentence: "Old Greenshaw’s son inherited it".
- Maria inherited three houses.
- He has a lot of money because his father inherited it.
- I inherited my grandfather's old car.
- They inherited many companies from their parents.
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